VoxClub Books Apps

Audiobooks from VoxClub 1.0.36
VoxClub Books
Audiobooks from VoxClub is the best choice foraudiobook lovers!* Popular audiobooks on sale* Three free books! (go to the "My Books" section to get yourgift)* Easy-to-use audiobook player- sleep timer- bookmarks stored in the cloud- auto-bookmarks- bluetooth car integration* download books quickly and access them on any device* a constantly growing library of books* technical supportWhat is VoxClub? It is a huge library of audio books in which areader with any taste can find and download a useful book. TheVoxClub card file has classic Russian and foreign literature,science fiction and fantasy for the fans of the genre, detectiveand historical novels.VoxClub has sections devoted to foreign languages, appliedpsychology and business for those who like to learn with the helpof audio books. There are simply useful books: reference books,dictionaries, encyclopedias and various collections withinformation on any topic.For five years the application “VoxClub Audio books” has beendeveloping, improving its implementation and most importantly theamount of its audio books increases every week.The VoxClub library has more than 5000 various books,collections, encyclopedias and reference books! One could get lostin this diversity, but each audio book in VoxClub is in one of morethan 25 sections. It is quite easy to find a book: either use aspecial feature of search by title or author, or find the requiredfile in the appropriate section of the card file.The range of books for the users of the VoxClub application isconstantly growing. New volumes and opuses are constantly added toVoxClub; one can learn all about the latest updates in the specialsection “What's New".Special attention should be paid to the "Hits" section. Accordingto its name it includes only bestsellers. This very section of theapplication includes the books which have become bestsellers. Theseare works by E. L. James D. Brown, Boris Akunin, autobiographies ofcelebrities and millionaires, as well as business literature andbooks on psychology which have proven their efficiency. The VoxClubCompany creates audio books in collaboration with the bestpublishing houses and authors that is why all the best publicationswhich can be offered in the book market quickly appear in the cardfile of the application. The prices of audio books remainreasonable, and even the most popular books can be bought at anaffordable price.Besides this, the users of the VoxClub application can buy audiobooks at record low prices on a permanent sale. The choice of theoffered books will catch the interest even of the most discerningreaders. On sale one can find classic works, new psychologicalresearch and educational encyclopedia. Even if you are experiencingtemporary financial difficulties, you can always choose a greatbook to listen to.Advantage of being registered at the VoxClub site. Each newapplication user gets access to the personal account, which storesall the information about downloads and already downloaded books.At any time you can restore your purchases with neither additionalcosts nor expenses. If you have changed the gadget, updated thesystem or just decided to listen to the book with another device(not necessarily running under Android), you will not have to spendmoney - just use your account and the history of yourdownloads.The most popular question among the users of any libraryapplication is whether it is possible to download books for free?In VoxClub it is possible! Even last year, the applicationdevelopers have announced a unique campaign for the registeredusers: access to the "Free Books" section, which is constantlyupdated. Do not forget to visit this section and collect your freelibrary.A decent and easy to use application “VoxClub Audio books”really deserves to be installed. After all, there is no other wayto have more than 5000 audio books in your pocket!Support service - [email protected]
Audiobooks VoxClub mp3 1.0.46
VoxClub Books
Audiobooks for all tastes for everyone!More than 5,000 audiobooks, novelties, bestsellers.Audiobooks VoxClub - the best choice for fans of audio books!* 3 audiobooks for free! (Go to the My Book for Gift)* Popular audiobooks Discount* The most convenient audio book player:- Sleep Timer- Bookmarks that are stored on the server- The Auto audiobooks- Car Mode* Fast download books and access them on any device* Annotations and comments audiobooks* Support for resuming audiobooks, the ability to defer downloadingaudiobooks* Manage a headset and a standard player* Control with Bluetooth car* Constantly growing catalog of audiobooks* Support serviceWhat is VoxClub? This is a huge library of audio books in which thereader with any taste can find and download useful book. In thecatalog VoxClub is a classic Russian and foreign literature,science fiction and fantasy for fans of the genre, detectivestories and historical novels.For those who like using audio books to learn, VoxClub have entiresections devoted to foreign languages, Applied Psychology,Business. And there are only useful books: encyclopedias,dictionaries, encyclopedias and various collections withinformation on any topic.The library VoxClub more than 5000 different books, anthologies,encyclopedias and reference books! This diversity could be lost,but every audiobook in VoxClub is in its section, which more than25. So find the books is quite simple: either use a special searchfunction by name or by author, or look for the desired file in therelevant section of the catalog.Special attention is given section "Hits." As you can guess, itincludes only the best-sellers. It is in this section applicationsquickly appear books that have become bestsellers. It works: RichDad Poor Dad, Think and Grow Rich, The 7 Habits of Highly EffectivePeople, The Love for Three tsukerbrinam, Catcher in the Rye, TheThorn Birds, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Flowers for Algernon,a roadside picnic, 50 shades of gray, the Foucault pendulum,Russian canary geographer Globe propyl, fiery finger, Metro 2035,Shantaram, Atlas Shrugged, a haven of love to the threetsukerbrinam, divergents and many others. In VoxClub you will findmany well-known authors of the book: Vladimir Pozner, Dina Rubina,Darya Dontsova, Sergei Zverev, Zakhar Prilepin, Erich MariaRemarque, Michael Weller, Victoria Tokarev, Tatyana Ustinova,Ulitskaya, Victor Pelevin, Edvard Radzinsky, Paul Sanaa, AndrewCruz, Eugene Grishkovec and many others. And the cost of audiobooks while still reasonable, even the most popular, you can buy atan affordable price.In addition, users can purchase applications VoxClub audiobooks ata record low prices on a permanent sale. Moreover, a selection ofbooks that offer to buy at great discount prices, interest even themost discerning readers. On sale there and classical works and newpsychological research and cognitive encyclopedia.Plus registration site VoxClub. Each new user of the applicationhas access to the personal account in which to store all theinformation about downloads, and download the book already. So atthe moment a pleasure, you can restore your purchase withoutadditional costs and expenses. If you change the gadget, updated orsimply decided to listen to the book on another device (notnecessarily even running under Android), you will not have to spendmoney to buy - just use the private office and its historydownloads.The most popular question for users of any application library -can download the books for free? In VoxClub - you can! Even lastyear, application developers have announced a unique action for theregistered users - access to the "Free Book", which is constantlyupdated.Support - [email protected]